Stories to come:
Mexican Feast for new Ukrainian friends: I invited a few of my new border guard friends over for fajitas and tequila! It was a hit! Of course, I spent way too much money throwing it together, but it was sooo worth it just to make friends! I'm now to the point where I'm desperate for friends that live close to me- even if that means we can barely understand each other! So now instead of just learning Russian, I'm now being encouraged to speak Ukrainian... this'll be interesting! On a positive note, they offered to smuggle me across the border if I ever get stuck again. Hopefully this won't happen a second time, but it's nice to have friends with connections.
Too Much Wine at Work - When a birthday lunch gets giggly
Persistent Peter - somehow the guy that gave me a lift in his horsecart thinks I want to go on a date with him and keeps stopping by my house(fortunately I haven't been home when he's been there). He's begun to follow me around town streets only to trot away as I stop and talk to friends. Soon I'll need to confront him... only how to do it in my broken Russian? This will be another interesting story.
Until next time...