Sunday, May 25, 2008

Odessa Photos

Finally, adventures in Odessa, Ukraine are available for your viewing pleasure! It took a while to find all the photos and put them together, but I did it!

Here you go!

The following are clips from the April Fool's Day celebration- complete with exotic animals, playboy dog, parade with hari krishna followers, and the West-Side Massive boys.


There are tarantulas in Moldova!

Boys lure them out of their holes around town by putting a putty-like ball on a string and dipping it into their lair until they grab hold.

They are HUGE!

Some boys thought it a good idea to bring a few of these hairy spiders inside the school for English Club. They got the reaction they were looking for- lots of screaming girls running for the doorway!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Memorial Day

May 9, 2008 was Moldova's memorial day.

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Imagine.... a new update! Must write more, lots more later. In the meantime, enjoy the video!