Sunday, December 16, 2007

Peace Corps Training

Training Highlights:

If you want to see the PC version (minus sex ed portion)go to:

Last Day of Training
Skits promoting our skills & a yarn web stress session

Halloween Fundraiser in Magdacest
One of our projects was to organize a fundraiser (even with our limited language skills). Entrance Fees for this event went to pay for audio visual equipment for the school. Oh! And I'm actually in this one! (Such is the life of a videographer, you never get to be in anything ;)

Peace Corps Trainees Visit Ceadir-Lunga!
Fieldtrip! We drove 5 hours south to.. guess where? My new home in Ceadir-Lunga! So when I found out my placement, I had already visited the town! Here's a video of my fellow volunteers enjoying my new hometown.

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