как дела? меня зовут ерен. я из америки. сеичас я изучаю русский язык в молдове.
Learning Russian is definitely one of the most challenging aspects of my experience in Moldova so far. My English mouth cannot mesh 3 or 4 consonents together and make it sound smooth and comprehensible as everyone around me. Oh, and rolling r's is also quite entertaining. Nevertheless, I'm trying and can at least understand a lot more than I can speak which is a good start.
In the very beginning, after four hours of over-active brain malfunction(Russian
Officially, before swearing in as a volunteer, I had to take a language acquisition test and I passed the Intermediate-Low level which is what I needed to start working. I'm proud of myself for getting that far in only two months, but I definitely need a LOT more to function in the work world and FAST! I'm still learning the basic words such as ice and sponge, while I also need to shove into my brain words like Non-Governmental Organizations, sustainable development, and strategic plan.
Since moving to Ceadir-Lunga in the south a month ago, I still haven't found a tutor. But I have my eye on a young English teacher at one of the schools I met last Friday who seems really nice. I can certainly use all the help I can get! даваи!
Mom! Thanks for the Russian stickers for my keyboard.. here's the result of my first project using it! I attended a fundraiser concert for a NGO that supports disabled children, filmed it and gave it to them as a present. This is the shortened version.
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