Saturday, April 14, 2007

Blog-world here I come!

Dear Family and Friends,

As ALL of you who have known me for a number of years can attest, I am not good at keeping in touch. And since bad habits are difficult to change, I am publishing myself online for all to see!

For the next couple of years, especially during my time in Moldova with the Peace Corps, I plan to use this blog as a way to communicate with all of you to let you know what I am up to.. and to keep track of where I may be!

You have my permission to get on my case if I do not update this blog-spot very often. My purpose is to stay in touch and be accessible to those I care about.

Well... I hope you enjoy the show! (jazz hands)

Love always,

1 comment:

Stacey Jehlik said...

Fantastic idea! I love it! I love hearing about what you're doing now and will no doubt be an avid reader of your blog while you're in Moldova. You rock!!