Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Horse-drawn Carriage

Wow! I just had a surreal experience. When horse carts go by I usually watch, like the foreigner I am, because its still exciting for me to watch people drive carts like cars. So this afternoon, while walking home, I watched a horse cart and nodded to the driver as he saw me looking in his horse's direction. About 5 minutes later the same cart came towards me. Apparently the man (and his horse) had gone around the block and stopped in front of me.

I had a feeling where this was going when he said "Privet" and tipped his hat to me. He asked my name... and his second question was if I was married. Hmmm...

Pyotr (English equivalent: Peter) was pretty forward asking for my phone number. I managed to not give it to him politely, and he asked where we could meet again. I told him where I worked... figuring if he really does come I can convince him to be a volunteer in our organization- sneaky, I know.

Anyway, he offered to drive me home. I normally don't get into cars (or horse carts) alone with strangers, but considering he couldn't drive fast, we were literally out in the open, and I had never ridden in a horse cart yet I quickly accepted his offer. Upon arriving home, my host father saw me get out of the cart. I couldn't help thinking about Sense & Sensibility and how controversial it would've been so long ago. Of course I didn't have a long dress to get caught on the way down, nor fancy white gloves, but I do have ample time to imagine.

Thus was another day in Moldova.

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